About us

Dear parrot breeders and friends!

One idea became a reality this March. Let me introduce you to the new digital magazine AWIPARROTS. As it’s not possible to meet each other personally at the moment,
I thought the right time has come and it will be nice to meet you on the digital magazine pages every month.

Actually, this is one of the missions... To connect people with the same interest. Psittaciformes. The aim is to publish personal breeders and pet owners’ experiences, as well as information written by avian vets in a very understandable way. The available results of researches will be mentioned, and you will find here information about the activities of foundations and successes in the conservation projects. Mutations are a controversial topic, but we find it interesting to also deal with the genetic problematics.

One could think that everything has already been written. However, the experience from my twenty years of praxis in parrot journalism and meeting with many parrot breeders, convinced me that even the very knowledgeable breeders can learn and want to learn every day. Even if there is one sentence in the whole magazine that helps, then it was worth reading. So this is what our pleasure is – to inform, to inspire, to provide knowledge through the published words. All of this in a highlyethical way. It is necessary to take the eventual advice as a recommendation, because what works at one parrot breeder or pet keeper does not necessarily work at another one.
 The whole background story on AWIPARROTS will be published in the next issue (April 3).

I approach the new magazine with the utmost modesty and respect to all of you – the readers, and will be very happy for your feedback. Especially when we are at the very beginning.
 We like to work in a friendly atmosphere, and if you would like to join and publish your experience, we are open to cooperation. I am looking forward to meeting you here!

Wishing you a nice reading!

Alena Winner